It is well known that technology is arriving in all sectors. All tasks are digitalized. Therefore, companies helping digitalization show up every day in all industries.
A clear example is E-commerce. A few years ago the first ones appeared, now you do not only buy products and services, but they also remind you what you have to buy, they offer you products that you have sometimes purchased, others related… they begin to predict what your tastes will be providing you a better experience and of course selling you more.
The COVID-19 situation has increased the use of these services, online buyers percentage is higher than before the crisis, and today, not only young people buy online. Agen ranges and sectors where we can buy digitally have been extended.
The most reluctant industries were the automotive and real estate. The automotive industry has already broken this, especially if we talk about second hand. Some companies have found an effective way to communicate with buyers online.
Regarding the real estate sector, although we have made enormous changes in implementing technology, in many of the processes, business models, etc., there are still barriers that avoid buying a property through E-commerce. The technologies application such as Blockchain would allow online purchases. Yet, at this moment, we have a public wall, because we can’t go to a notary or the Property Registry digitally. Technology is ready, but the Public Administration is not yet prepared, as they have not developed digital protocols, so these processes can be carried out digitally, without having to physically go to the notary’s office and the Registry.
The Administration should be prepared for upcoming situations such as Covid-19 evolution so that the actors in the sector can carry out real estate transactions digitally.
Gustavo Lopez
Operations director at the Real Estate Agents Association in Catalonia